Using Ida tools throughout a telehealth appointment

Ida Telecare supports people with hearing loss before and between their hearing care appointments. Filling out our online tools gives clients a chance to gather their thoughts before an appointment, so that they are prepared to discuss what is most important to them.
As telehealth is increasingly used in appointments, the need to structure conversations during online appointments grows. To help, we made several of our tools into editable PDFs that can be shared on-screen with the client and filled out together in real time. This allows your client to participate fully even though you are not physically together in the same room. You can also easily email a copy of the forms to the client after the appointment for them to refer to later.
Using Telecare tools and editable PDFs together
The Line, the Box, My Hearing Explained, and the Tinnitus Thermometer have all been made into editable PDFs. They can be used as stand-alone counselling tools during online appointments or paired with other Telecare tools to create a more complete appointment flow.
For example, Why Improve My Hearing? is a Telecare tool that is most useful with new clients before their first appointments. After using Why Improve My Hearing? you can follow up with the editable PDF version of the Line or the Box to better understand your client’s motivations for seeking help with their hearing or to help them assess the advantages and disadvantages of taking action.
Living Well (Online) and My Hearing Explained also complement each other. Use Living Well (Online) before appointments to help your clients come prepared to discuss their priorities and concerns. Then, use My Hearing Explained during the online appointment to explain hearing test results in person-centered language and to expand conversations to communication challenges and strategies.
Finally, Goal Sharing for Partners can be used online across the different phases of appointments. Visit the tool to read more about how you can involve communication partners in telehealth appointments.