- Develop your skills and confidence in delivering person-centered online appointments
- Learn directly from hearing care professionals who are doing online appointments successfully
- Get practical guidance on delivering the six elements of person-centered care online
Online Appointments Starter Kit

Online appointments are sometimes the best way to provide high-quality, person-centered hearing care to your clients. But getting started can be difficult. Through checklists, articles, and videos of clinical encounters online, this starter kit takes you through the key steps of planning, offering, and delivering appointments online.
What are the benefits?
Perspectives and insights

Why do online appointments?
Read about the benefits of offering online appointments to your clients
The clinician perspective
Before Covid-19, Canadian audiologist Trevor Menchenton was reluctant to deliver appointments online. But since 2020, he has seen the benefits for his clients first hand and is now a big fan. Hear his story.
The client perspective
Karen, one of Trevor's clients, describes the benefits of having her appointments online.
The kit

Recipe for online success
Tele-audiology expert Frances Lockhart takes you through the client and provider factors to consider before you launch an online offering

How to be person-centered online
Get practical tips on how to deliver each of the six elements of person-centered care in online appointments
Online appointments in action
Watch how audiologist Trevor Menchenton overcomes a technical challenge in an online appointment.
See how practical tasks, such as connecting a client's device to their TV, can be done successfully in an online appointment.
Watch how an Ida Institute counseling tool can be used online to gather information and plan next steps.
Tools to use online

Motivation Tools
Use the Line and the Box to assess your clients' motivation and encourage them to take action

My Hearing Explained
Use this editable PDF to explain hearing test results in a person-centered way online

Use these online questionnaires to help your clients identify their priorities, so you can offer the most suitable support

Goal Sharing for Partners
Use this editable PDF to help your client and their key communication partner set goals and create a strategy together

Tinnitus Thermometer
Use the online Tinnitus Thermometer to help you assess how your patient is coping with their tinnitus at the time of their appointment
Additional resources

Audiology Australia Teleaudiology Guidelines
Read the guidelines developed by our partners at Audiology Australia

Remote appointments are more manageable than you think
Read our article about Trevor Menchenton and his journey to offering online appointments