Methods to Perserve and Record Information

The conversation using the tool is an expression of the child’s experience or feelings at that particular moment. It is a good idea to record what was said in the conversation and the goals and next steps agreed upon. You can then refer to it later to check information or during the next appointment when discussing how agreed actions have been working out for the child.

Documentation Form

Use the enclosed documentation form to help you document the current experience and situation of the child and the goals and next steps agreed upon. You can also use the form to record the persons who are responsible for different steps in the management of the child’s hearing loss.
Ariana is nine years old and has bilateral cochlear implants. Her audiologist, Nanette, says Ariana has made tremendous progress with her listening skills. She was surprised to learn that Ariana doesn't feel she can listen to and understand her teacher.


Photograph the scene created by the child for storage in your file system. You may want to give the child or family a copy of this if they wish to continue their discussion at home. The photograph could also be useful in discussions with the child’s teacher or other communication partners.

Video or Audio Recordings

Make a video or audio recording of the conversation with the child and extract the information required at a later time. The parents may also choose to do this. Remember that recording for storage requires permission from the parents and assurances from you regarding privacy issues and secure storage.