How My Hearing Explained can help your clients understand their hearing loss

The audiogram is central to a professional’s understanding of a person’s hearing loss. Without this detailed explanation of a person’s hearing profile, an audiologist can’t make recommendations for appropriate hearing technologies or communication strategies.
Many non-professionals, however, struggle to understand the meaning of the audiogram. In a recent survey of people with hearing loss conducted by the Ida Institute, respondents rated their understanding of the audiogram 6 out of 10 and their ability to relay that information to friends and family only 5 out 10.
The aim of My Hearing Explained is to make hearing test results easier to relate to clients. While some people may understand and appreciate all of the information that the audiogram provides, the information it contains may be difficult for others to decipher.
My Hearing Explained is a conversation guide that uses simple language and familiar icons to help you structure the conversation on the substance of hearing test results. This allows you to describe your clients hearing profile in simple terms and save time on the nuances of the audiogram for only those clients who want them.
My Hearing Explained can also help you introduce how test results relate to your clients’ needs and goals. Explaining a client’s hearing profile in relation to their daily lives more broadly reflects the individual’s experiences, priorities, and options, rather than just focusing on what they have lost.
The tool can also be used as a self-report tool, and in a variety of ways throughout the appointment - during the case history, the explanation phase, and the management and planning phase.
My Hearing Explained provides people with hearing loss with a take-home sheet of their results. Having this information in an easy-to-understand format makes it easier for them to explain their hearing to friends, family, and coworkers. By making it easier for communication partners to understand the person with hearing loss’s needs, communication partners can offer support and help the person adhere to treatment recommendations.