Am I ready?

When changes occur in your life, how would you describe your reaction?


How would you describe these parts of your life (check all that apply?)


What would best prepare your teacher to support you in the classroom?


In preparing for the senior grades, what information do you think your teachers would find helpful so that they know how to support your hearing needs?


Often, your friends share stories about what happened that day when you're walking to class or in the cafeteria. These can be very noisy places to hear in. What strategies do you use when you don't understand them?


When you need to get your hearing or hearing aids checked, or you need a new hearing aid, what do you do?


When somebody asks you about your hearing aids or cochlear implant, what do you do?


If you cannot hear what the teacher or other students are saying in the classroom, what do you do?


If your hearing support solution, such as an FM system, is not working properly at school, what do you do?


What do you do when you get a new teacher at school?


If you want to play sports, what do you do?


If your hearing aid or cochlear implant stops working, what do you do?


As you prepare to move away from home, how will you plan to get good hearing healthcare and maintenance for your hearing devices?


Discuss your answers and notes with your audiologist or someone close to you.