Make It A Gadget: Winning Idea for July

By Timothy Cooke

In July, the Ideas Competition asked participants to develop an idea that leverages technology to inspire people to take action and raise public…

Ida Tools Make Business Sense: A Conversation with David Rist from Hidden Hearing UK

By Timothy Cooke

Private hearing health care clinics can benefit significantly by integrating Ida’s Motivation Tools (the Line, the Box, and the Circle) into their…

Upcoming Launch of G.R.O.U.P.: An Online Group Aural/Audiologic Rehabilitation Guide

By Timothy Cooke

This September, the Ida Institute will release the G.R.O.U.P. (the Group Rehabilitation Online Utility Pack): an online tool to help hearing care…

In Memoriam: Ida Fellow and Faculty Member Dafydd Stephens

By Timothy Cooke

We are saddened to learn that Ida Fellow and faculty member Dafydd Stephens has passed away at the age of 70. Stephens was a pioneer of audiology and…

We Need Your Ideas: Update on the Ideas Competition

By Timothy Cooke

The summer is here, and the ideas competition is rolling along with over 180 ideas and 700 people signed up. The competition, which runs until the end…

Collaboration Continues: Working Group to Develop Support Materials for the My World Tool

By Timothy Cooke

The Ida Institute has launched a working group consisting of pediatric audiologists from around the world to create guidance materials for the My…

Ida Fellow Presents Experiences with Living Well Tool at the International Conference on Adult Hearing Screening

By Sharmi Albrechtsen

Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Shabana presented his experiences in a poster using the Ida Living Well tool at the 2nd International Conference on Adult Hearing…

Ida Presents Living Well Tool at 2012 BSHAA Congress

By Timothy Cooke

Ida Institute Managing Director, Lise Lotte Bundesen, presented the Ida Institute's Living Well counseling tool at the British Society of Hearing Aid…

Keys to Success: Audiologist Trevor Menchenton Discusses the Value of Ida’s Tools and Methods

By Timothy Cooke

One could say that the Ida Institute and Trevor Menchenton have developed side-by-side from the very start.

Menchenton attended Ida’s first seminar…

Seminars in Hearing Dedicates Entire Issue to Ida's Tools and Methods

By Timothy Cooke

The February 2012 issue of Seminars in Hearing focuses entirely on the work, principles and tools of the Ida Institute. The issue contains 10 articles…

New World Health Organization Textbook Supports Use of Ida Motivation Tools

By Timothy Cooke

The World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Europe recently released an educational textbook describing how health professionals can use the…

Ida Fellows Publish Article on New Model to Represent Communication Partnerships

By Timothy Cooke

Ida Fellows Vinaya Manchaiah and Dafydd Stephens have proposed a new model to represent communication partners within the social context of a person…

Building Relationships and Launching Ideas: Ida at the 2012 AAA Conference

By Timothy Cooke

Light bulbs flashed across Boston two weeks ago. The Ida Institute launched the Ideas competition with sparkle, speeches and good conversation at a…

Heading to Boston: Ida Staff and Fellows Participate in the 2012 AAA Conference

By Timothy Cooke

Ida Institute staff and fellows will contribute to the upcoming AAA Conference in Boston by staffing an exhibit, holding a workshop on the Living Well…

Ideas: Oticon Foundation Sponsors New Ida Institute-Driven Initiative

By Timothy Cooke

The Oticon Foundation and the Ida Institute will launch a global initiative to find innovative ideas to inspire action and raise public awareness for…

Ida Down Under: Five Workshops in Australia

By Timothy Cooke

We are revisiting the land down under this spring for five interactive workshops on the Living Well and My World tools. This will mark a great…

New Seminar Series Begins: Ida Holds First Seminar on Managing Change

By Timothy Cooke

A couple weeks ago, 25 hearing care professionals from around the world participated in the first installment of our “Managing Change: Realities and…

Applying the Ida Experience: Spotlight on Anita Erras

By Timothy Cooke

This month we want to spotlight Ida Fellow Anita Erras. Anita will help present the Ida Motivation Tools at four upcoming European Union of Hearing…

Motivation Tools Go To Germany: Ida to Conduct Workshops at Four EUHA Seminars

By Timothy Cooke

The European Union of Hearing Aid Acousticians (EUHA) has invited the Ida Institute to present the Motivation Tools at four upcoming EUHA technical…

Educating Trainers Around the World: The Ida Train the Trainer Program

By Timothy Cooke

The Ida Institute plans to launch a new training program to expand the global reach and impact of Ida’s tools and methods. The Train the Trainer will…