Appreciate Hearing Workshops

Partner with parent teacher organizations to develop creative hearing workshops!
Idea at a glance
Most elementary and secondary schools have parent organizations that discuss school events. Hold a workshop with parent representatives, teachers, and school administrators to develop an "Appreciating Hearing" session for students in each grade level.
The sessions would be a fun way for students to explore their sense of hearing and express what their hearing means to them. The students would work in teams to create an expression of hearing, like a collage, a theater play, a song, etc. The best ideas could be displayed at a school assembly.
Turning the project into a school-wide or city-wide competition could attract local media and spread the word to a wider audience.
Act on Energy is a non-profit organization that promotes energy conservation in the United Kingdom. The organization encourages schools and students to work together to save energy on a daily basis. They provide information to help students conduct assessments of the school’s energy consumption.
To motivate students, they suggest launching a school-wide competition to find the most creative ideas to save energy, water and other resources at their school.
Potential impact
One possible reason why many are slow to take action on hearing loss could be a lack of appreciation for hearing. Many may not realize how important hearing is to our daily lives.
Schools represent a ripe environment for fostering hearing appreciation. A school-wide project could raise hearing appreciation among parents and possibly the wider community.