Silent/Noisy Places Blog
Write about the importance of sounds and hearing in your daily life to inspire others.
Idea at a glance
As humans, we maintain a complex web of relationships with each other and our natural environment. Whether we live in a bustling city or a small town, noises and sounds are a part of our life.
As we go through our busy day, we often don't take the time to reflect on these sounds.
Start a blog that describes silent and noisy places in your life. Your blog could challenge people from around the world to describe their own sound environments. In the end, the blog could help encourage people to appreciate their sound environments and recognize the value of hearing.
Since 2009, the University of Salford in the UK has been building a sound map of the world, asking people to record and submit 30-second sound clips from their personal environments or 'soundscapes'.
The clips are then pinned to a map, allowing people to listen to different sounds by country and region. The project aims to shed light on how everyday sounds make us feel and contribute to our lives.
Why not browse the map and get inspired?
Potential impact
Instead of focusing on the loss of hearing, this blog would raise awareness by increasing people’s appreciation for hearing and sounds.
The blog could inspire readers to discover how much they value sounds in their daily lives. An appreciation of sound would increase the value of hearing, making hearing a sense that deserves to be protected and enhanced through hearing devices.