New University Course module: Applying PCC in the Appointment

By Clint McLean

Hey educators, have you ever struggled to teach students to translate the theory of person-centered care into practice? Well help is here. We’ve added another new module to our free University Course. It’s called Applying PCC in the Appointment and just like all our university modules, it’s designed to help teach person-centered hearing care.

Applying PCC in the Appointment provides a five-unit curriculum to help educators guide students towards confident and effective person-centered communication. The Calgary-Cambridge Guides and the Four Habits provide the framework for the module, while games, ethnographic videos, and role-plays are used throughout to present the content in accessible and engaging ways. 

Samantha Tai, lecturer, audiologist, and PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne, collaborated with us on this course. She shared, “There have been times I wish I could have communicated more effectively with my patients; I could have learned the patient’s main concerns earlier in the appointment or known what to say when a patient shared something deeply upsetting. This module addresses these sorts of practical communication needs and I hope students will benefit from having a structure they can build on as they gain more clinical experience.”

The breakdown of Applying PCC in the Appointment is:
Unit 1 explains the importance of applying person-centered care throughout the appointment and introduces research that demonstrates what happens when it comes to “walking the talk” of PCC.
Unit 2 focuses on the person-centered communication required at the beginning of an appointment.
Unit 3 centers on empathy and developing a therapeutic relationship.
Unit 4 guides person-centered communication during the latter stages of an appointment.
Unit 5 reviews the Four Habits and introduces the SPIKES protocol for delivering difficult news before leading students in an exercise to study their own communication skills and reflect on areas to be strengthened.

Applying PCC in hearing care appointments is an essential skill for practitioners of all ages. Tai is also creating a Learning Hall version of this course for students and practicing professionals. We’ll be sure to let you know when it’s ready!