Person-centered care is a time saver

One of the perceptions hearing care professionals sometimes have about implementing person-centered care (PCC) is that it would be time-consuming during the appointment.

However, using PCC techniques and tools helps clinicians and clients create an effective partnership, increasing the satisfaction of the client in less time.

In this video from our ethnographic video library, Bridgitte Harley, audiologist and hearing aid consultant at The Hearing Clinic, shares her thoughts on implementing PCC in her practice.

Watch the video to learn more about the benefits of adding PCC to your set of skills as a clinician. 

“It just takes a slight change in mindset. A shift,” says Harley.

The Hearing Clinic was the first clinic in the U.K. to become Inspired by Ida. Read about it here.

Find more ethnographic videos on person-centered hearing care here.

Read about the four myths of implementing PCC during the appointment.