Obi-Wan Kenobi joins Inspired by Ida

By Helle Gjønnes Møller

In 2001, Ben Mann established Click Hearing in Essex, UK. Today, the Click Hearing team is proud to be delivering exceptional customer service, giving patients the freedom of being able to hear clearer. In formalizing their longtime dedication to person-centered care (PCC), Click Hearing recently joined Inspired by Ida. We asked Clinic Owner, Ben Mann, about their motivation to join the program.

What is your clinic’s superpower?
Remembering that our clients are the hero in their own story and that we’re just there to help them along the way – that is our superpower. I like to position our team in a guiding role where we take the time to understand what a ‘win’ means to the client in the context of hearing and communication goals – understanding their motivations, then helping to steer them towards success. 

What three words would you use to describe the Inspired by Ida program?
Relevant, illuminating, explicating

Why did your team enroll in the Inspired by Ida program?
Joining Inspired by Ida has been on my list of to-dos for some time. I like to think that I’ve always tried to practice in a person-centered way. But a while ago, Bridgitte Harley, Clinical Audiologist and Director at the Hearing Clinic, interviewed me about PCC for Ida – so I felt it was about time that I put my money where my mouth is.

What changed in your practice after completing Inspired by Ida?
I’m continually mindful of letting the client finish their story; ‘listening to the last drop’ was how it was phrased to me by a coach. I like that symbolism. I know that some of the team have found the tools helpful too. My advice to other clinics would be to find a couple of small things that resonate with them and implement them until they are cemented. There will be plenty of nuggets to choose from.

What does person-centered care mean to your clients?
Many of our clients come to us looking for PCC. They don’t necessarily know the name of the approach, but they are fed up with what came before. Circling back to my first answer, every client wants to be the hero. Heroes have challenges, they make mistakes, they need help, but they win in the end. We’re the help. Our clients are Luke Skywalker, we’re Obi-Wan Kenobi. Clients don’t want to be Stormtroopers. 

If your clinic was an animal, what would it be and why?
I’m going to go with a horse. The clients can take the reins and we’ll get them where they need to go.