New Framework Helps Young People Manage Transitions

By Amanda Farah Cox

The Ida Institute is proud to announce the launch of our Transitions Management framework. The framework offers a wealth of resources for children and young adults ages 3-18, focusing on the different milestones they cross. The framework is designed for young people to use at home – either on their own or with their families if they are younger – to assess how they are currently managing their hearing loss, learn from others and acquire new skills that can help them grow and adapt to their changing environments.

The Transitions Management framework, which is based on self-determination theory, was developed in close collaboration with 12 experts in pediatric hearing healthcare. It is divided into age groups 3-6, 6-9, 9-12, 12-18, and 18+. Each of the age groups has content and resources in four areas:

The World of…: Short videos of different school, work, and play environments highlight noise in those spaces and the skills children and young adults will need to cope with the situations.

Be Inspired by Others: Short videos in which children, their parents, and young adults reflect back on the experiences with hearing loss. They share their challenges and successes and offer tips for navigating childhood and adolescence with a hearing impairment.

Am I Ready: A self-assessment quiz asks young people how they deal with different situations. This can serve as a conversation starter with their hearing care professional about what needs they have as they go into a new school or work environment.

Develop New Skills: A list of practical, age-appropriate skills that can help young people maintain emotional and social well-being. The list also includes ways to practice these skills and boost their confidence.

Transitions Management asks users to be self-reflective and explore what they will need to prepare for their transitions, what they are currently doing well, and what new skills will help them as they go into new environments. We hope these resources will provide useful information to children, young adults, and their families in terms of skills that are needed, resources that should be available, and how young people can grow to become self-sufficient and successful.

Click here to visit Transitions Management.