Ida Presents Communication Partner Tools at Eriksholm Summer Camp

By Amanda Farah Cox

Ida gave a presentation at the annual Eriksholm Summer Camp, held from August 24-28, at the Eriksholm Research Centre in Snekkersten, Denmark. The program brought together 50 audiology students and recent graduates for three days of different activities and workshops. Learning and Innovation Specialist Jamie Owen and Communication Specialist Amanda Farah Cox presented the Communication Partner tools on Saturday.

Summer Camp participants were introduced to the concept and importance of Communication Partners, which was illustrated through Ida’s ethnographic video, “A Sense of Irritation,” about Gill and John. The participants were asked to reflect in particular on how Gill’s hearing loss has changed the roles within her relationship with John. This was followed by a brief introduction to the Communication Partner tools, the Partner Journey, the Communication Rings, and Goal Sharing for Partners.

The presentation placed a particular focus on Goal Sharing for Partners, and the participants learned how and when to introduce the tool in their session. They then split off into pairs and practiced using the tool, imaging how Gill and John would answer the questions.

The presentation wrapped up with a My Ida Moment, where participants were asked to reflect on what they had learned today, as well as providing feedback to Ida. Thank you to Eriksholm for inviting Ida, and to all the participants for their involvement.