Ida in Argentina: Two Workshops at the International Symposium of Audiology in Buenos Aires

By Timothy Cooke

The Ida Institute presented the Motivation tools and the Living Well Counseling tool at the International Symposium of Audiology in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Argentine Mutual Fund for Hearing Impairment (MAH) arranged the symposium, which included three distinct tracks for patients, ENT specialists, and audiologists.

Before the start of the symposium, Ida managing director Lise Lotte Bundesen and senior audiologist Melanie Gregory conducted a full day workshops for 65 MAH members on the Ida Motivation Tools. Participants engaged in constructive conversations about the value of patient-centered care and the implementation of the Ida tools. Overall, the participants found the workshop very valuable. One participant stated that ‘it was good to get a patient-centered perspective on issues rather than the usual focus on technology.’ At the symposium, Bundesen and Gregory conducted two interactive presentations, one on the Ida Motivation tools and the other on the Living Well Counseling tool.

“We were honored to attend the Argentine Mutual Fund for Hearing Impairment’s audiology symposium and celebrate its 60th anniversary. This marks the first time that the Ida Institute has attended a conference in South America, so we were very excited to reach out to the Argentinean audiology community and introduce them to the Ida Institute and our portfolio of patient-centered counseling tools,” stated managing director Lise Lotte Bundesen. “After the symposium, we were very pleased to welcome a number of new members into the Ida community. We have collaborated with Argentine audiologist Viviana Maller to create new section in the Ida Forum specifically for Spanish speaking hearing care professionals. We look forward to working with our new community members in the future.”

The Argentine Mutual Fund for Hearing Impairment is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the quality of life for the hearing impaired by providing them with the necessary scientific and technological advancements for full social integration. The MAH provides hearing aids, education programs, and rehabilitation services to over 40,000 people via 48 offices throughout Argentina.