Ida Director Lise Lotte Bundesen at Harvard Women's Leadership Board

By Amanda Farah Cox

Ida Institute Managing Director Lise Lotte Bundesen recently spoke to the Harvard Women’s Leadership Board at an event in Copenhagen. The group of 30 women included doctors, heads of finance, and film producers among others.

Lise Lotte spoke about Ida Institute’s work over the years focusing on patient centered care and collaboration, which she illustrated with three stories:

The first story was about starting the Ida Institute, where she created the vision to foster a better understanding of the human dynamics associated with hearing loss. The guiding words that she chose from the beginning -   independence, credibility, uniqueness, and collaboration – still guides the work of the institute.

The second story was about Kathleen, the center of the Ida ethnographic video “I Brought It to the Kitchen Table.” Kathleen’s story illustrates the importance of patient centered care, and why the family needs to be involved in their loved ones’ rehabilitation. The film about Kathleen highlights  human dynamics of hearing loss, and how it affects more than just the patient.

The final story was about Wikipedia- to illustrate the power of collaboration. Wikipedia is based on collaboration and contributors are driven by a passion for what they do, and not by financial motivation. Similarly, the Ida community has from the beginning engaged in various innovation processes, which has enabled us together to create new knowledge and tools to meet the needs of hearing care professionals and patients.

“It was wonderful to share Ida’s work and vision with a group of such interesting, accomplished women,” says Lotte.

Pernille Krogsgård, CEO of H3flow, organized the event. We thank her and the Harvard Women’s Leadership Board for inviting Lotte to speak to such a distinguished group.