Audiologist Dr. Tomi Browne had a very personal experience of sponsoring an HIV-positive Kenyan orphan, Mungai, deafened from meningitis for a cochlear implant surgery and follow-up. After this experience, she was determined to do even more.
She started the nonprofit organization, HEARt of the Village, an effort to improve the lives of those affect by diseases of poverty in sub-Saharan Africa through the Nyumbani Children’s Home.
One of their numerous projects under development involves identifying HIV positive children with chronic middle ear disease who may need surgery. Untreated chronic middle ear disease can easily lead to more severe conditions including meningitis, encephaliatis and other infections of the brain, particularly in immune-compromised children.
The group is also seeking to provide special auditory FM equipment and support for a class of hearing impaired students in Nairobi.
In Spring 2009, Dr. Browne along with several audiology students will travel Nyumbani to start the establishment of a hearing healthcare clinic in the village.
Check out for more information.
To hear Dr. Tomi Browne in her own words, please check out this video.