Coming in September: Newly Redesigned and Improved Ida Forums

By Timothy Cooke

We are very excited to announce the upcoming release of the newly re-designed and enhanced Ida Forum on the Ida Institute website. With significant usability and functionality improvements, it will be even easier for My Ida members to share knowledge and discuss topics with other health care professionals and academics interested in the field of hearing loss.

We have been very impressed with the amount of engaging and thoughtful discussion on the Ida Forum over the past year. The discussion thread on aural rehabilitation methods involved audiology experts from across the world chiming in on best practices and methodology variations in their home country. In another discussion, audiologists provided excellent feedback on the usability of the Ida Institute tools. This feedback helped us modify and develop new tools on our website to increase their value for audiologists in the field.

With so much valuable dialogue and debate going on, we wanted to foster even more discussion by improving the usability and functionality of the Forum. You can expect to see the new Ida Forum unveiled at the beginning of September. Below is a sneak peak of some of the top enhancements.

Top Discussions Feature – We will add a new section to the Forum page that highlights the top eight discussion threads of the week. This list will include a combination of the most read and most commented discussions of the past week. This enhancement will help you get a quick overview of the discussion topics in the Forum that are generating the most interest and thought-provoking dialogue.

New Design – We have redesigned the entire Forum website to make it easier to navigate among the discussions and find the topics of interest to you.

Create Comments in Threads – In the new Forum, you will now be able to comment on other member's comments. Currently, all comments to a particular topic are organized in a long list. With the new threaded discussions, it will now be easier to discern sub-topics and side-bar discussions.