Goal Sharing for Partners

Goal Sharing for Partners is a step-by-step guide that includes strategic questions to facilitate discussions between your client and their key communication partner. Their answers help them to establish communication goals and how to achieve them. It can be used in face-to-face appointments or online by using the editable PDFs and screen-sharing.
Goal Sharing for Partners helps the person with hearing loss and their partner to:
- Acknowledge the hearing loss and how it affects their emotions and participation in activities
- Express their respective feelings and points of view
- Recognize that they have a shared responsibility to work together to improve communication
- Establish realistic communication goals and determine the steps to achieve these goals
When to use the tool
You can use Goal Sharing for Partners at any time in the appointment. You can also revisit the tool in follow-up appointments to discuss if your client and their partner have reached their goals and are ready to tackle other difficult communication situations.
Goal Sharing for Partners is based on the Client-Oriented Scale of Improvement (COSI) and the Goal Attainment Scaling method.
The tool

Download detailed instructions about how to use Goal Sharing for Partners from before the appointment through follow-up appointments

Preparation form
Send your clients this form to complete at home with their communication partner to help them prepare for their next appointment

Goal Sharing for Partners
Use this diagram in the appointment to review your clients’ challenges and priorities and set goals together

Follow-up form
Use this form in follow-up appointments to review your clients’ progress and revise targets according to their needs