The staff of Mt. Hood Hearing Aid Center

New Inspired clinic serving person-centered hearing care in Portland

By Clint McLean

Portland thrives because it’s unique. With eclectic brewpubs, boutique movie theaters, the world’s smallest park, biggest naked bike ride, and trails that crisscross a volcano, Portlanders take pride in offering an original spin on all of life’s essentials and splurges. So, it’s fitting that Mt. Hood Hearing Aid Center has become Inspired by Ida and is pushing the envelope on providing individualized hearing care. The Southeast Portland clinic is run by husband and wife team Vladimir and Darien Gutierrez. We asked them about their practice and the Inspired by Ida program.

What is your clinic’s superpower?

Our superpower is compassion. We deeply care about every patient’s needs and strive to provide personalized hearing healthcare for all. We believe in an individualized approach where patients are educated about their condition and can participate in the process of hearing rehabilitation.

Three words to describe the Inspired by Ida program

Caring. Transparent. Educational.

Why did you and the team enroll in the Inspired by Ida program?

We felt the Inspired by Ida program aligned with our beliefs and we saw it as an opportunity to fine-tune our processes. We also used the program to strengthen our staff knowledge and become more organized when helping patients in their journey to better hearing.

What changed in your practices after completing Inspired by Ida?

We are more proactive in utilizing tools such as the Line and the Box to make it easier for our patients to navigate through their decision-making process.

What does person-centered care mean to your clients?

It means being able to take an active part in the decision-making process of hearing rehabilitation. We find that an educated patient is a happy one.

If your clinic was an animal, what would it be and why?

A dog. We are loyal and honest with our patients, and we are always here and ready to help whenever our patients need us.