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My Turn To Talk

My Turn To Talk

Welcome to the Ida Institute’s My Turn To Talk Tool. This tool is designed to assist families who are considering a cochlear implant solution for their child or whose child is already fitted with a cochlear implant. Our aim is to help you have your voice heard during your child’s appointment and ensure that your questions and concerns are addressed.

My Turn To Talk will help you identify the most important questions for you and your family to discuss with your hearing care professional at your child’s next appointment.

There are two parts to the tool for you to complete online:

1. The first is a simple way for you to prioritize the most important people with whom your child communicates. This step-by-step process helps you to think about how and with whom your child communicates today and how well your child manages in these situations.

2. In the second part of the process, we will ask you to complete statements that will help you to further identify the issues and questions you would like to discuss with your hearing care professional. You may find that the overview of your child’s most important communication partners will help you identify the important issues and challenges.

Your Step-by-Step Guide

Part One

1. The Communication Rings provide easy-to-follow steps for prioritizing the people with whom your child communicates.

2. The Communication Rings consist of four circles or steps:

  • The center circle represents your child.
  • Ring no. 1: The next inner circle represents the most important people in your child’s social network – those people your child spends a lot of time with or feels particularly close to.
  • Ring no. 2: The middle circle represents other people who are still very important to your child but are not as close or important as the people in the inner circle.
  • Ring no. 3: The outer circle is reserved for those individuals who are less important but present on a regular basis in your child’s life.

3. Please select the people on the stickers you wish to include for your child, and drag and drop them into the circles where you feel they belong. You may also create your own stickers to include additional people who are relevant to your child.

Communication Rings






  • Father

  • Mother

  • Brother

  • Sister

  • Friend

  • Teacher

  • Grandmother

  • Grandfather

  • Audiologist

Your Step-by-Step Guide

Part 2

1. This section includes a variety of open-ended sentences for you to complete. Please complete the questions that are relevant to your child’s situation and that you would like to discuss with your hearing care professional.

2. Download and Share

Once you have completed the two parts of the tool, you can save them to your home computer.

Please share this information with your hearing care professional. By sharing the overview of your child’s communication partners and statements before your child’s appointment, your hearing care professional will be better prepared to address the topics and concerns that are important to you and your child.

Please complete the following statements

I'm happy about...
I hope...
I want to talk about...
I'm concerned about...
I want to find out more about...
I need help with...
I ...

Please complete the following statements - continued

I want to find out more about...
I need help with...
I ...
